
Weekly Writing Spark~ February 10th, 2014|| via


 “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ~ Aristotle

Create an antagonist who is the antithesis of  who you are.  Make them subscribe to another religion, hold different political beliefs, be the opposite gender, express different opinions, be from a different socioeconomic background and come from an opposite environment. Live and breathe with this character for a little while, “walk a mile in their shoes”, then infuse them into your daily life. How do you get along? How do they relate to others in your life? Are you able to accept them for who they are ? Are you able to empathize with them? Can you even see a little of yourself in them? 

Reflect, write and most of all, have fun! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Weekly Writing Spark~ February 10th, 2014|| via”

  1. Reblogged this on Forget the Viagra, Pass Me a Carrot and commented:
    As writers we often experience a dry period where incentive and motivation seems a little sparce. Belinda Witzenhausen has a weekly motivator and a daily prompt which can sometimes oil the wheels of creativity – she also does likewise on Twitter. I have Belinda’s posts coming direct to my email – when I see them I usually say an expletive of some kind and kick my backside into gear. Thanks Belinda for being such a great ‘kicker’


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